La participación ciudadana en las obras de fortificación de la ciudad de Puebla durante la Intervención francesa (mayo 1862-febrero 1863)


The heroism of the Army of the East against the invading forces of Napoleon iii during the 62 days that the siege of the city of Puebla lasted (March-May 1863) has been widely documented. However, it is worth asking how and who carried out the tasks of fortifying the city prior to the confrontations? What were the consequences of the fortification? To answer these questions, this article, based on information obtained from the General Municipal Archive of Puebla and the General Archive of Notaries of the State of Puebla, highlights the role that the civilian population played in the construction of the forts for more than six months, as well as in the destruction of some buildings to ensure the defense of the Plaza de Puebla.

Key words: Fortification, siege 1863, Puebla, French intervention, citizen participation.
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